Thermopile Pyranometer calibration by ITC India Pvt Ltd

Thermopile Pyranometer calibration by ITC India Pvt Ltd

ITC India has diversify in Thermopile pyranometer calibration as per ISO 9847 standards . So, lets connect with us to calibrate your pyranometer.

Before the calibration of pyranometer let us discuss about

Why Thermopile pyranometer ?

Here is the table that makes the clear difference why thermipile is best of three.

S.No Specification Thermipile Pyranometer Photodiode Pyranometer Photovoltic Pyranometer
1 Main Component Thermocouple Photodiode PV cell
2 Sensitivity Range 300nm to 2800nm 400nm to 900 nm 350 nm to 1150 nm
3 Cost Expensive Reliable Moderate
4 Accuracy Highest Moderate High

What is a thermopile pyranometer ?

What is a thermopile pyranometer?

What is a thermopile pyranometer?

A thermopile pyranometer is a sensor based on thermopiles designed to measure the broadband of the solar radiation flux density from a 180° field of view angle.The first generation of thermopile pyranometers had the Hot junction of the sensor equally divided in black and white sectors. Irradiation was calculated from the differential measure between the temperature of the black sectors, exposed to the sun, and the temperature of the white sectors, sectors not exposed to the sun or better said in the shades.
In all thermopile technology, irradiation is proportional to the difference between the temperature of the sun exposed area and the temperature of the shadow area.

What is the design of thermopile pyranometer?

Thermopile Pyranometer is basically consist of two components.

Thermopile sensor: It has black coating and has a flat spectrum with
ability to absorb all the solar radiations. There are two junction one is active (hot) and one is passive (cold). the active junction is placed below the black coating and the passive junction is protected from solar junction and in thermal contact with the heat sink. The thermopile generates a small voltage in proportion to the temperature difference between the black coating surface and the instrument housing

Glass dome: It protects the thermopile sensor from convection. For first class and secondary standard pyranometers an another glass dome is used. It provides better thermal equilibrium between the sensor and inner dome, compared to using a single dome.

What is its working principal of thermopile pyranometer?

The thermoelectric detection principle is used, incoming radiation is almost completely absorbed by a horizontal blackened surface, over a very wide wavelength range. The resulting increase of temperature is measured via thermocouples connected in series or series-parallel to make a thermopile.
The thermopile is used to measure this temperature difference. The potential difference created in the thermopile owing to the temperature gradient between the two surfaces is used for measuring the amount of solar radiation. However, the voltage produced by the thermopile can be measured using a potentiometer. Radiation data needs to be integrated by means of an electronic integrator or planimetry.

What are its applications ?

They are widely used in …
Buliding engineering physics
Photovoltic systems

How it is advantages ?

Maximum senstivity range 285 nm to 2800 nm
Fast response time
Calibrated to ISO 9060 standards
Highest accurate than photodiode and photovoltic pyranometer.
Highest lineraity

To maintain performance, recalibration is usually recommended every two years, and a high-quality water-proof connector for the signal cable greatly simplifies the process.