Energy meter Calibration testing – NABL

For many industries, ensuring that their energy meters are accurate is an essential part of their operation. This is why having a comprehensive energy meter calibration and testing system in place is so important. At NABL accredited laboratories, organisations can have their energy meters calibrated and tested to ensure accuracy and reliability in measurement.

In this blog article, we will explore the importance of energy meter calibration testing and how it ensures accuracy in measurements. We’ll discuss the NABL quality mark and its role in establishing trustworthiness when it comes to calibrating instruments.

Finally, we’ll look at a few key points that you should consider when selecting a laboratory for your test requirements.

Energy Meter Calibration Services at Rs 1500/unit | एनर्जी मीटर कैलिब्रेशन  सर्विसेज, एनर्जी मीटर कैलिब्रेशन सर्विस, एनर्जी मीटर कैलिब्रेशन की सेवाएं |  calibration service ...

What is calibration?

Calibration is the process of adjusting a device to agree with a standard. Typically, this involves adjusting the device so that it produces results that closely match those of a known reference device.

The reference device is often traceable to a national or international standard.

The purpose of calibration is to ensure that the device being calibrated produces accurate and precise results. This is important in many fields, such as medicine, engineering, and scientific research. Incorrect conclusions and decisions can result from inaccurate or imprecise measurements.

There are many different ways to calibrate a device. The most common method is to use a calibration curve. This involves measuring the output of the device being calibrated at several different points and then plotting these results on a graph.

We can then use the calibration curve to adjust the device so that it produces results that match those of the reference device more closely.

Other methods of calibration include using standards that are themselves calibrated (such as certified weights or lengths), or by comparing the results produced by two or more devices (such as comparing the readings from two different thermometers).

Types of energy meter

Various energy meters can be found in the market, each type with its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses.

The three most common types of energy meters are:

1) Analogue Energy Meters: These are the traditional mechanical meters which use a spinning disc or a pointer to measure the consumption of electricity. Although they are not very accurate, they are simple to use and easy to maintain.

2) Digital Energy Meters: These meters use electronic components to measure the consumption of electricity. They are more accurate than analogue meters but can be complex to install and maintain.

3) Smart Energy Meters: These are the latest type of energy meters which use both analogue and digital technology. They are very accurate and provide detailed information about the consumption of electricity.


There are many reasons to choose NABL for your energy meter calibration testing needs. Here are just a few:

1. NABL is the most widely recognized and respected accreditation body in India, with over 35 years of experience in the field.

2. As an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory, NABL ensures that its methods and procedures meet the highest international standards.

3. We have a team of highly experienced and qualified engineers who are experts in energy meter calibration testing.

4. We use state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for all our testing, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

5. We offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality or service.

Why calibrate your energy meter?

An energy meter measures the amount of energy used by a appliance or system. We often calibrate energy meters to ensure accuracy. There are many reasons to calibrate your energy meter.

One reason is if you want to know how much energy your appliances or system is using. This can be helpful in understanding your power bill or estimating future costs. Additionally, if you are interested in reducing your energy consumption, calibrating your meter can help you track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Another reason to calibrate your meter is if you suspect it is inaccurate. This can happen over time as meters age or due to changes in temperature or humidity. If you notice a sudden spike in your power usage, it may be worth checking the calibration of your meter.

Inaccurate energy readings can also lead to safety hazards. If a meter is not correctly measuring the amount of energy being used, it could result in overloaded circuits or equipment which could pose a fire risk. Regular calibration helps ensure that meters are reading accurately and safely.

Overall, calibrating your energy meter provides many benefits and helps ensure safe and accurate measurements of power usage.

Digital Energy Meter Calibration Services at Rs 1500/instrument | एनर्जी  मीटर कैलिब्रेशन सर्विसेज, एनर्जी मीटर कैलिब्रेशन सर्विस, एनर्जी मीटर  कैलिब्रेशन की सेवाएं | meter ...

How often should you calibrate your energy meter?

The answer to how often you should calibrate your energy meter is not as simple as a one-size-fits-all answer. Depending on the type of industry, business, or application, the calibration frequency can vary widely. Ultimately, it is up to the owner or operator of the equipment to determine the appropriate calibration interval based on their own internal procedures and quality standards.

In some cases, daily or weekly calibration may be required. For other applications, monthly or yearly intervals may be sufficient. The key is to establish a regular calibration schedule and stick to it in order to ensure accurate readings from your energy meter.

If you are unsure of how often you should calibrate your energy meter, consult with a qualified technician or service provider who can help you establish an appropriate interval based on your specific needs.

How to calibrate your energy meter

To calibrate your energy meter, you will need to test it against a known source of energy. It can perform this by using a standard wattmeter or by connecting the meter to a power source and measuring the output.

Once you have a reading from your energy meter, you can then use this to calculate the calibration factor. We do this by dividing the reading from the meter by the reading from the standard wattmeter or power source.

Once you have the calibration factor, you can then use this to adjust the readings on your energy meter. For example, if your energy meter reads 1000 watts and the standard wattmeter reads 100 watts, then you would multiply the readings on your energy meter by 10 to get an accurate reading.


Energy meter calibration testing is a key process in ensuring accurate readings from energy meters. The NABL accreditation is a sign of assurance that the results obtained from energy meter calibration tests are reliable and precise.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information about how to go about conducting NABL accredited energy meter calibration testing, and all the advantages it can offer.

With these tips, your business will have access to accurate data on its electrical systems, which will be an invaluable asset going forward.