What is UV?
Ultra Violet radiations emitted by a light source such as sun.
- Harmful effect on human: skin Cancer or sunburns, damage eyes, weaken immune system.
- Benefits: Trigger Vitamin D, Treatment of some skin disease such as psoriasis.
Why UV Light Bulbs?
- Improves indoor air quality.
- Used in Hospitals to sanitize equipment.
- Increased energy savings.
- They can prevent asthma and allergies.
UV Testing
Equipment required:
- Suitable radiometer appropriate for 254 nm UV
- A true Power analyzer
- Test Chamber
Testing steps
- A lab requires 25UV bulb samples for testing.
- Bulbs are marked clearly from 1 to 25.
- Randomly 12 bulbs are selected for testing.
- Before testing, these 12 bulbs are operated for 100 hrs at full power.
- The testing is done using a lamp testing chamber as per the protocol.
- All the testing is done in care of Experts and data is recorded (Temperature of the test chamber and the distance of radiometer to the lamp center).
- All the testing is done by calibrated instruments (calibration valid for 1 year only).
Result of the testing:
- Relevant Lamp testing Data
- Average UVC efficiency
Testing lab for calibration of UV bulb
ITC india provides the following service:
- Calibration of UV bulbs
- Calibration of UV intensity meters
- Validation of UV chambers